Access to General Practice During Covid 19
How do I Make an Appointment With my GP Practice?
GP practices are open and here to help you. You can make an appointment by giving them a call or booking online. Find information on common symptoms and when to seek help here:
Who Will I See?
When you contact your GP practice, giving practice staff some general information, in confidence, will help them direct you to the right clinical expert. Find out more about accessing GP services during the pandemic here: .
Do I Need to Come in?
To stop the spread of coronavirus, most GP appointments are now carried out by telephone or through NHS Near Me, a secure video consultation. Find out more here:
How are GP Practices Keeping Everyone Safe?
If you have a face to face GP appointment, the GP practice will look a little different. Following this guidance, if you need to visit the practice will help protect you, your family, and the practice staff. Find out more here:
Why are Consultations by Phone?
GP surgeries have remained open throughout the pandemic, with consultations largely handled remotely to reduce the risk of infection. Find out why here:
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Demand for GP services is back to where it was before the pandemic, so your patience and understanding when contacting your GP practice is appreciated. Find out more about accessing GP services here:
Face masks must be worn at all times within the surgery.